Results for 'Alvaro Vicente Ramírez Alujas'

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  1. Presente y futuro del Gobierno Abierto: hackear el Gobierno, reprogramar la Administración Pública y configurar una nueva infraestructura cívica.Alvaro Vicente Ramírez Alujas - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 94:84-86.
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    Historia de la investigación en la simbiosis leguminosa-bacteria: una perspectiva didáctica.Marta Helena Ramírez-Bahena, Álvaro Peix, Encarna Velázquez & Eulogio J. Bedmar - 2016 - Arbor 192 (779):a319.
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    On Fingerprinting of Public Malware Analysis Services.Alvaro Botas, Ricardo J. Rodríguez, Vicente Matellan, Juan F. Garcia, M. T. Trobajo & Miguel V. Carriegos - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):473-486.
    Automatic public malware analysis services provide controlled, isolated and virtual environments to analyse malicious software samples. Unfortunately, malware is currently incorporating techniques to recognize execution onto a virtual or sandbox environment; when an analysis environment is detected, malware behaves as a benign application or even shows no activity. In this work, we present an empirical study and characterization of automatic PMAS, considering 26 different services. We also show a set of features that allow to easily fingerprint these services as analysis (...)
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    Mathematical Knowledge from Human Experience: The Case of Visual Perception and Greek Architecture.Lianggi Espinoza Ramírez, Andrea Vergara Gómez & Vicente Cabrera Soto - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 26:269-298.
    This paper aims to show that in ancient Greek architecture, it is possible to find a genesis of the geometric modeling of visual perception present in propositions of Euclid's Optics, considering mathematical knowledge as a human wisdom expression. Let us start by emphasizing that mathematical thinking is not exclusively rooted in mathematical disciplines, but also includes the broad spectrum of human activities, including activities that come from everyday life. Based on this, we present a socio-cultural characterization of human experience as (...)
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    Introducción a la filosofía.Juan Vicente Ramírez - 1936 - Asunción,: La Colmena, s.a..
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    Finding Respondents from Minority Groups.Nelda Mier, Alvaro A. Medina, Anabel Bocanegra-Alonso, Octelina Castillo-Ruiz, Rosa I. Acosta-Gonzalez & Jose A. Ramirez - 2006 - Journal of Research Practice 2 (2):Article D2.
    The recruitment of respondents belonging to ethnic minorities poses important challenges in social and health research. This paper reflects on the enablers and barriers to recruitment that we encountered in our research work with persons belonging to ethnic minorities. Additionally, we applied the Matching Model of Recruitment, a theoretical framework concerning minority recruitment, to guide our reflection. We also explored its applicability as a research design tool. In assessing our research experience, we learned that minority recruitment in social and health (...)
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  7. Social Support Mediates the Effect of Burnout on Health in Health Care Professionals.Pablo Ruisoto, Marina R. Ramírez, Pedro A. García, Belén Paladines-Costa, Silvia L. Vaca & Vicente J. Clemente-Suárez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion and caused by exposure to excessive and prolonged stress related to job conditions. Moreover, burnout is highly prevalent among health care professionals. The aim of this study is, first, to examine the mediating role of social support over the effect of burnout in health care professionals and, second, to explore potential gender differences. A convenience sample of 1,035 health professionals from Ecuador, including 608 physicians and 427 nurses, was surveyed using the Maslach Burnout Inventory, (...)
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  8. Perspectives of Critical Epistemology: The Fundamental Question About a New Science.José Vicente Villalobos Antúnez, José Francisco Guerrero Lobo, Jesus Enrrique Caldera Ynfante & Reynier Israel Ramírez Molina - 2022 - Novum Jus 16 (3):161-187.
    Many current problems surrounding science revolve around the complex epistemological framework that shapes a new vision of knowledge about reality. The traditional epistemological positions are characterized by the explanation of nature by means of concatenated facts; that is, as bricks attached to each other giving shape to the edifice of science. A conception of this nature showed that the idea of certainty was nothing more than a mere illusion, opening the way, on the contrary, to the idea of the uncertainty (...)
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    Influence of Stress and Depression on the Immune System in Patients Evaluated in an Anti-aging Unit.Beatriz Cañas-González, Alonso Fernández-Nistal, Juan M. Ramírez & Vicente Martínez-Fernández - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. Reseña de Transformaciones sociopolíticas recientes en América Latina de Álvaro B. Márquez Fernández y Zulia C. Díaz Montiel.Daniel Ramos Ramírez - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (33).
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    Descubrimiento, innovación y objetividad: Schopenhauer y su repercusión en la epistemología.Edgar Serna Ramírez - 2017 - Signos Filosóficos 19 (38):62-89.
    Resumen: La influencia de Schopenhauer en la filosofía de la ciencia del siglo XX ha sido poco estudiada. En este artículo defiendo que la teoría del conocimiento de Schopenhauer impulsó históricamente la idea de que al menos un objetivo de la investigación científica estriba en la exploración tenaz y creativa del potencial heurístico de un sistema teórico, de una matriz disciplinar o de un programa de investigación científica. Sostengo que en ella también se origina una ambigüedad en el significado de (...)
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  12. How to (dis)solve the Gamer’s Dilemma.Erick Jose Ramirez - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (1):1-21.
    The Gamer's Dilemma challenges us to find a distinction between virtual murder and virtual pedophilia. Without such a distinction, we are forced to conclude that either both are morally acceptable or that both should be morally illicit. This paper argues that the best way to solve the dilemma is, in one sense, to dissolve it. The Gamer's Dilemma rests on a misunderstanding in the sense that it does not distinguish between the form of a simulation and its surface content. A (...)
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  13. Lab‐Grown Meat and Veganism: A Virtue‐Oriented Perspective.Carlo Alvaro - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (135):1-15.
    The project of growing meat artificially represents for some the next best thing to humanity. If successful, it could be the solution to several problems, such as feed- ing a growing global population while reducing the environmental impact of raising animals for food and, of course, reducing the amount and degree of animal cruelty and suffering that is involved in animal farming. In this paper, I argue that the issue of the morality of such a project has been framed only (...)
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  14.  21
    Metafísica corrompida del «quo est». Examen comparativo del actus essendi a la luz de la composición «cum his» en las exégesis de Cayetano y Capreolo.Vicente Llamas Roig - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (2):255-266.
    Sanciona este trabajo la confusión cayetanista en la inspección del actus essendi como esse actualis existentiae, defendiendo el valor del esse desde una recta lectura a propósito de la división capreolista, más ajustada al dictado del Aquinate: ser formal como complementum substantiae y esse como complementum suppositi. El esse recobra la dignidad metafísica que le otorga Aquino, más densa que el simple valor de existencia, con la diferenciación de una vertiente de composición sustancial y una línea de composición entitativa en (...)
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  15. Filosofía y Pedagogía en la obra de Félix Varela, José de la Luz y Caballero, y Enrique José Varona.Vicente Medina - manuscript - Translated by Vicente Medina.
    En este artículo sostengo que los tres filósofos/pedagogos cubanos del siglo XIX, Félix Varela y Morales, José de la Luz y Caballero y Enrique José Varona, fueron responsables de superar la enseñanza de la escolástica tardía en la Real y Pontificia Universidad de San Jerónimo de La Habana. Contra los filósofos y pedagogos escolásticos tardíos que preferían la lógica silogística y la autoridad de la tradición sobre la inducción, argumentaron a favor de esta última sobre la primera. Puesto que defendían (...)
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    Resonance and radical embodiment.Vicente Raja - 2020 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 1):113-141.
    One big challenge faced by cognitive science is the development of a unified theory that integrates disparate scales of analysis of cognitive phenomena. In this paper, I offer a unified framework that provides a way to integrate neural and behavioral scales of analysis of cognitive phenomena—typically addressed by neuroscience and experimental psychology, respectively. The framework is based on the concept of resonance originated in ecological psychology and aims to be the foundation for a unified theory for radical embodiment; that is, (...)
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    Donald Trump and The Specter of Kurt Gödel’s Contradiction.Vicente Medina - 2024 - Apa Blog.
    I argue that, while unbeknown to most ordinary people, there is an ominous relationship between Gödel and President-elect Trump. The president-elect has flirted with the idea of being a one-day dictator when he assumes the presidency on January 20th, 2025. Less known is that when Gödel was studying the US Constitution to apply for his US citizenship in 1947, he claimed to have discovered a contradiction in the Constitution that could legally allow for the president to become a dictator. While (...)
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  18. Lab-Grown Meat and Veganism: A Virtue-Oriented Perspective.Carlo Alvaro - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (1):127-141.
    The project of growing meat artificially represents for some the next best thing to humanity. If successful, it could be the solution to several problems, such as feeding a growing global population while reducing the environmental impact of raising animals for food and, of course, reducing the amount and degree of animal cruelty and suffering that is involved in animal farming. In this paper, I argue that the issue of the morality of such a project has been framed only in (...)
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  19. The Origin of Covid-19 and the Politics of Science.Vicente Medina - 2024 - Blog of American Philosophical Association.
    In this short piece, I acknowledge that there are two main hypotheses regarding the origin of Sars-Cov2: the zoonotic jump hypothesis defended by the scientific establishment, and the lab leak hypothesis defended by a minority of scientists. Despite the new evidence supporting the zoonotic jump hypothesis, I contend that the minority’s view still seems more reasonable to accept at this time than the majority’s view regarding the origin of the virus. I will try to justify the plausibility of the minority’s (...)
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    Reconstructive remembering of the scientific literature.Kim J. Vicente & William F. Brewer - 1993 - Cognition 46 (2):101-128.
  21. Accounting for the preference for literal meanings in ASC.Agustin Vicente & Ingrid Lossius Falkum - forthcoming - Mind and Language.
    Impairments in pragmatic abilities, that is, difficulties with appropriate use and interpretation of language – in particular, non-literal uses of language – are considered a hallmark of Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC). Despite considerable research attention, these pragmatic difficulties are poorly understood. In this paper, we discuss and evaluate existing hypotheses regarding the literalism of ASC individuals, that is, their tendency for literal interpretations of non-literal communicative intentions, and link them to accounts of pragmatic development in neurotypical children. We present evidence (...)
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  22. Galileo’s Ship and the Relativity Principle.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - forthcoming - Noûs.
    It is widely acknowledged that the Galilean Relativity Principle, according to which the laws of classical systems are the same in all inertial frames in relative motion, has played an important role in the development of modern physics. It is also commonly believed that this principle holds the key to answering why, for example, we do not notice the orbital velocity of the Earth as we go about our day. And yet, I argue in this paper that the precise content (...)
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  23. Félix Varela en la antesala de la modernidad: filosofía, eclecticismo y utilidad.Vicente Medina - 2020 - Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):17-34.
    El artículo consta de cuatro partes. En la primera parte, la introducción, señalo algunos aspectos de la importancia del proyecto. Segundo, describo y evalúo como Varela interpreta la filosofía. Tercero, exploro su eclecticismo dentro de su filosofía. Por último, explico el concepto de utilidad en el quehacer filosófico de Varela. Estos tres conceptos: filosofía, eclecticismo y utilidad están correlacionados en su obra. La filosofía con la recta razón. El eclecticismo, o lo que Varela llama la “verdadera filosofía,” con la sabia (...)
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  24. Separating Einstein's separability.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:138-149.
    In this paper, I accomplish a conceptual task and a historical task. The conceptual task is to argue that (1) Einstein’s Principle of Separability (henceforth “separability”) is not a supervenience principle and that (2) separability and entanglement are compatible. I support (1) by showing that the conclusion of Einstein’s incompleteness argument would still follow even if one assumes that the state of a composite system does not supervene on the states of the subsystems, and by showing that what Einstein says (...)
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  25. “Psychopathy, Moral Reasons, and Responsibility”.Erick Ramirez - 2013 - In Christopher D. Herrera & Alexandra Perry, Ethics and Neurodiversity. Cambridge Scholars University.
    In popular culture psychopaths are inaccurately portrayed as serial killers or homicidal maniacs. Most real-world psychopaths are neither killers nor maniacs. Psychologists currently understand psychopathy as an affective disorder that leads to repeated criminal and antisocial behavior. Counter to this prevailing view, I claim that psychopathy is not necessarily linked with criminal behavior. Successful psychopaths, an intriguing new category of psychopathic agent, support this conception of psychopathy. I then consider reactive attitude theories of moral responsibility. Within this tradition, psychopaths are (...)
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    An ecological theory of expertise effects in memory recall.Kim J. Vicente & JoAnne H. Wang - 1998 - Psychological Review 105 (1):33-57.
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    A Puzzle Concerning Local Symmetries and Their Empirical Significance.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (4):1021-1044.
    In the last 5 years, the controversy about whether or not gauge transformations can be empirically significant has intensified. On the one hand, Greaves and Wallace developed a framework according to which, under some circumstances, gauge transformations can be empirically significant—and Teh further supported this result by using the constrained Hamiltonian formalism. On the other hand, Friederich claims to have proved that gauge transformation can never be empirically significant. In this article, I accomplish two tasks. First, I argue that there (...)
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  28. Veganism and Children: A Response to Marcus William Hunt.Carlo Alvaro - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (4):647-661.
    In this paper I respond to Marcus William Hunt’s argument that vegan parents have pro tanto reasons for not raising their children on a vegan diet because such a diet is potentially harmful to children’s physical and social well-being. In my rebuttal, first I show that in practice all vegan diets, with the exception of wacky diets, are beneficial to children’s well-being ; and that all animal-based diets are potentially unhealthful. Second, I show that vegan children are no more socially (...)
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  29. Galileo y el principio de inercia.Edgar Roy Ramírez Briceño - 1979 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 45:31-36.
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    Total Quality Management and Inequality: The Triple Helix in Global Historical Perspective.Alvaro de Miranda - 2003 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 28 (1):34-51.
    The development and international diffusion of total quality management as a normative theory are examined. It is shown that the main concepts associated with TQM contain an implicit Darwinist view of society made up only of institutions struggling to survive against increasingly ruthless competition. It is also shown that their development was the result of a process in which universities, large corporations, and government interacted to develop a response to the increasingly serious economic challenge that Japan presented to the United (...)
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    Comportamiento a la cizalladura de vigas encoladas laminadas de guadua angustifolia kunth.B. González, Héctor Alvaro, Jorge Augusto Montoya Arango & Civil Steffen Hellwig - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  32. Ética luego existencia. Origen, técnica y evolución (también el mal).Vicente Hernández Pedrero - 2004 - Laguna 14:37-64.
    En este artículo, la ética de la inmanencia de inspiración spinozista se propone superar el fondo mítico-existencial de la ética del origen y la visión de la técnica de Heidegger. Otros autores como Paul Ricoeur, Michel Foucault y Peter Sloterdijk aparecen aquí desde esa perspectiva crítica. Al final, se añade un breve comentario sobre la cuestión del mal.
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  33. ¿ Qué es Una secta? El criterio de demarcación.Vicente Jara Vera - 2007 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 47 (3):347-393.
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    Lanczos invariant as an important element in Riemannian 4-spaces.J. López-Bonilla, E. Ramírez-García, J. Yalja Montiel & Escuela Superior de Cómputo - 2006 - Apeiron 13 (2):196.
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    Psychological intervention in senior citizens with depression.Marianne Sims Rodríguez, Daymaris Ramírez Leyva, Katia Pérez Castro & Karel Gómez García - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):306-322.
    Introducción: Los cambios biológicos, sicológicos, económicos y sociales que se observan durante el envejecimiento conllevan a pensar que en los ancianos existe una serie de factores que favorecen la aparición de una depresión. Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de una intervención sicológica para disminuir la depresión en adultos mayores de la Casa de abuelos "Dr. Diego Tamayo Figueredo", de Puerto Padre, en el período de noviembre de 2013 - mayo de 2014. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio de intervención sicológica (...)
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    ¿Debería un delincuente convicto ser el próximo presidente de los Estados Unidos? Los ciudadanos estadounidenses confrontan un posible dilema ineludible.Vicente Medina - 2024 - Https://Americanuestra.Com.
    Ya sea que uno favorezca o se oponga al expresidente Trump, es evidente que, contrario a lo que él ha argumentado, este juicio demostró que ningún ciudadano de los EE. UU. está por encima de la ley. Según el expresidente y sus simpatizantes, el sistema legal estadounidense está «amañado». Alegan que el presidente Biden y el liderazgo del partido demócrata han librado “una guerra legal” (lawfare) es decir, convertir la ley en un arma para obtener una ventaja política sobre el (...)
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    Jean-Luc Nancy, ontological communism and the revolution of the spirit.Daniel Alvaro - 2025 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 71:142-160.
    This article aims to carry out a historical, philosophical, and political analysis of Jean-Luc Nancy’s conception of communism. To achieve this end, a series of texts by the author, published between 1986 and 2021, are referenced, where the question of communism is approached in relation to themes such as totalitarianism, community, the common, literature, democracy, and capitalist civilization. The paper investigates the development of Nancy’s approach until it reaches its more or less definitive form in the mid-2000s, within the framework (...)
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    Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Neurophysiology, Adaptive DBS, Virtual Reality, Neuroethics and Technology.Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, James Giordano, Aysegul Gunduz, Jose Alcantara, Jackson N. Cagle, Stephanie Cernera, Parker Difuntorum, Robert S. Eisinger, Julieth Gomez, Sarah Long, Brandon Parks, Joshua K. Wong, Shannon Chiu, Bhavana Patel, Warren M. Grill, Harrison C. Walker, Simon J. Little, Ro’ee Gilron, Gerd Tinkhauser, Wesley Thevathasan, Nicholas C. Sinclair, Andres M. Lozano, Thomas Foltynie, Alfonso Fasano, Sameer A. Sheth, Katherine Scangos, Terence D. Sanger, Jonathan Miller, Audrey C. Brumback, Priya Rajasethupathy, Cameron McIntyre, Leslie Schlachter, Nanthia Suthana, Cynthia Kubu, Lauren R. Sankary, Karen Herrera-Ferrá, Steven Goetz, Binith Cheeran, G. Karl Steinke, Christopher Hess, Leonardo Almeida, Wissam Deeb, Kelly D. Foote & Okun Michael S. - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Developmental Trajectories in Primary Schoolchildren Using n-Back Task.Mónica López-Vicente, Joan Forns, Elisabet Suades-González, Mikel Esnaola, Raquel García-Esteban, Mar Álvarez-Pedrerol, Jordi Júlvez, Miguel Burgaleta, Núria Sebastián-Gallés & Jordi Sunyer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  40. Symmetries and Measurements.Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (6).
    According to the orthodox view, one can appeal to the symmetries of a theory in order to show that it is impossible to measure the properties that are not invariant under such symmetries. For example, it is widely believed that the fact that boosts are symmetries of Newtonian mechanics entails that it is impossible to measure states of absolute motion in a Newtonian world (these states vary under boosts). This paper offers an overview of the various ways by which philosophers (...)
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  41. Receptivity, reactivity and the successful psychopath.Erick Ramirez - 2015 - Philosophical Explorations 18 (3):330-343.
    I argue that psychopathy undermines three common assumptions typically invoked in favor of moderate reasons responsive theories of moral responsibility. First, I propose a theory of psychopathic agency and claim that psychopathic agency suggests that the systems underlying receptivity to reason bifurcate into at least two sub-systems of receptivity. Next, I claim that the bifurcation of systems for receptivity suggests that reactivity is not “all of a piece” but that it too decomposes into at least two subsystems. Lastly, I argue (...)
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    In Favor of Impropriety.Vicente Raja & Anthony P. Chemero - 2020 - Constructivist Foundations 15 (3):213-216.
    Heras-Escribano argues against the normative character of affordances from a framework that relies on a Wittgensteinian notion of normativity and the incompatibility of direct perception, ….
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    Raw Veganism: The Philosophy of the Human Diet.Carlo Alvaro - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Human beings are getting fatter and sicker. As we question what we eat and why we eat it, this book argues that living well involves consuming a raw vegan diet. With eating healthfully and eating ethically being simpler said than done, this book argues that the best solution to health, environmental, and ethical problems concerning animals is raw veganism―the human diet. The human diet is what humans are naturally designed to eat, and that is, a raw vegan diet of fruit, (...)
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    Atheism as an Extreme Rejection of Rational Evidence for the Existence of God.Carlo Alvaro - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (2):155-170.
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    Enigma de la Dialéctica Platónica y El Papel de la Refutación.Álvaro Vallejo Campos - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0080.
    El enigma de la dialéctica platónica se debe a la descripción metafórica de sus procedimientos en la República y a la oscuridad sobre el modo de alcanzar el principio superior que debe dar razón de las hipótesis o supuestos. Como no puede ser derivado deductivamente de otro anterior, algunos especialistas han asignado a la intuición un papel fundamental en su aprehensión, pero esto significaría una dualidad respecto al carácter dialógico de la dialéctica, que conllevaría una ruptura misma del método. Sin (...)
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  46. How dispositions can be causally relevant.Agustin Vicente - 2002 - Erkenntnis 56 (3):329-344.
    The problem this paper deals with is the problem of how dispositional properties can have causal relevance. In particular, the paper is focused on the question of how dispositions can have causal relevance given that the categorial bases that realise them seem to be sufficient to bring about the effects that dispositions explain. I show first that this problem of exclusion has no general solution. Then, I discuss some particular cases in which dispositions are causally relevant, despite of this exclusion (...)
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    Ballistics, Darwinism and Christian Thought.Vicente Claramonte Sanz & Rodolfo Guarinos Rico - 2024 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 13 (2):63-77.
    This paper raises an open critical discussion on some key notions in Michael Ruse’s philosophy. These include the conceptual elements of scientific explanation, the difference between epistemic and cultural values, the epistemological status of science and religion in explaining nature, the compatibility or incompatibility between Darwinian thought and Christian thought, and especially between evolutionary theory and creationism, the key importance of admitting or not admitting supernatural causality when qualifying an explanation as scientific, the role played by the divinity in the (...)
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    A practical theology of liberation: Mimetic theory, liberation theology and practical theology.Joel D. Aguilar Ramírez & Stephan De Beer - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):9.
    In this article, the authors bring two personal journeys together: one author’s liberationist journey, sparked by a search for justice and liberation in the slums of Guatemala City, and the other’s lifelong commitment to practical theology and spatial justice in South Africa. A practical theology of liberation is the result of life experiences in countries of the Global South amidst the search for justice and liberation. The worlds that come together in this article are René Girard’s mimetic theory, liberation theology (...)
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  49. Numbers, Empiricism and the A Priori.Olga Ramírez Calle - 2020 - Logos and Episteme 11 (2):149-177.
    The present paper deals with the ontological status of numbers and considers Frege ́s proposal in Grundlagen upon the background of the Post-Kantian semantic turn in analytical philosophy. Through a more systematic study of his philosophical premises, it comes to unearth a first level paradox that would unset earlier still than it was exposed by Russell. It then studies an alternative path, that departin1g from Frege’s initial premises, drives to a conception of numbers as synthetic a priori in a more (...)
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    Embodiment and cognitive neuroscience: the forgotten tales.Vicente Raja - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):603-623.
    In this paper, I suggest that some tales (or narratives) developed in the literature of embodied and radical embodied cognitive science can contribute to the solution of two longstanding issues in the cognitive neuroscience of perception and action. The two issues are (i) the fundamental problem of perception, or how to bridge the gap between sensations and the environment, and (ii) the fundamental problem of motor control, or how to better characterize the relationship between brain activity and behavior. In both (...)
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